Irïs swinging couch is a design collab between architect Kevin Hviid and GANNI fashion house.
It has been designed for the 2017 Cabinetmakers’ Exhibition.
The swinging couch is a bright colorful 3-meter-tall construction, developed around an iron structure and multi-colored nylon bands (600+ pieces of nylon bands, manually attached!) with a focus on strings and lines. Representing complexity the furniture is both a strong statement while maintaining functional at the same time. Irïs is a piece of furniture with curves, character and sharp elbows.. She is colorful, both inside and out, stands out from the background and attracts attention. “Her skirts” swing and sway as she brings one, two or more people back and forth in her arms but Irïs also offers room and time for reflection and lingering in the moment by providing a sheltered, intimate space in her arms.
GANNI and Kevin Hviid have previously strong ties and Kevin Hviid’s prior uniqa decorate selected GANNI stores, however this design collaboration is the biggest to date. The furniture is a sort of Scandi 2.0 with a dash of colour.
IrÏs is a tribute to the Scandinavian girl: She’s not a perfectly polished persona, but a concoction of independence and freedom.
- material: iron and nylon
- size: 1,00x1,60x2,70 m.
- photographer: Hans H. Baerholm
We’ve started an exciting collaboration with ATBO on the Cocoon lounge chair! They will be producing and distributing it. You can purchase Cocoon via their website and see the current possibilities for upholstery. More info to come. Do not hesitate to contact us or ATBO for wholesale and special inquiries
- order now at
Our mission has been to create a new icon. A timeless lounge chair for private and public spaces. Cocoon Lounge fit just as well in homes as in the hotel lobby or restaurant lounge.
Cocoon lounge is a lounge chair that blurs the boundary between furniture and architecture. It is inspired by the organic modernism of the 60’s, where soft and sculptural shapes melt together. The design is the result of a fusion between the beauty in rattan fabric and a curvy, unified wood silhouette, creating together a harmonious and inviting feel. Recalling the classic egg-shaped hanging chair, Cocoon Lounge is the perfect nook to cozy up in.
Depending on the color combinations, the chair has a versatile expression, which can range from a serious, muted boho-chic, to a vibrant playful look.
Cocoon Lounge is designed by Danish designduo KEVIN HVIID (Architect b.1978) x MARTIN KECHAYAS (Designer b.1969).
Dimensions are 720mm (d) x 640mm (w) x 1300mm (h).
- Article in Journal du design
- Article in Bolig & Interieur
We’re continuing our exciting collaboration with ATBO - now presenting the Cocoon Dining Chair! They will be producing and distributing it. You can purchase Cocoon Dining via their website and see the current possibilities for upholstery. More info to come. Do not hesitate to contact us or ATBO for wholesale and special inquiries
- order now at
The vision behind Cocoon Dining Chair has been to create an iconic and contemporary tribute to the parents of Danish chairs. Cocoon Dining is an ambitious and uncompromised design combining a sustainable design vision with virtuous craftmanship. This is a chair that is well designed, well made, and made to last.
Cocoon Dining Chair is the second addition to the Cocoon Family, first-born is Cocoon Lounge Chair. As you say for 2nd child: your heart doesn't split, it doubles in size.
The Cocoon Family is a design family that blurs the boundary between furniture and architecture. It is inspired by the organic modernism of the 60’s, where soft and sculptural shapes melt together. Our mission has been to create new icons. Timeless but still playful designs that fits both at home and outside home.
Cocoon Dining is designed by Danish designer KEVIN HVIID (Architect b.1978).
HULA is a playful reference to the hula hoop ring. Inscribed within a circle and square, the construction of HULA is inspired by the iconic Vitruvian Man drawing. A light construction with a great volume. The look transforms depending on the angle from which the chair is viewed.
By its four superimposed steel circles (diameter 150 cm), HULA encompasses the bodily movements and its rhythm. The circles cross in two directions and create eight cross points. In three of the circles, a horizontal iron bar creates stabilization, and holds the seat and back of the chair. Straps between the cross pieces make a very nice seating.
- Article in Magazine Decoration
Om prismodtagerne:
Kevin Hviid
Kevins møbler er ikke for sarte sjæle.
De stirrer tilbage på brugeren med et kulørt glimt i øjet. Formsproget er til tider indlysende geometrisk og lader materialerne vise sine bedste sider.
Som en slags trodsig selvmodsigelse mestrer Kevin også den diskrete, men virtuose snedkertradition. Cocoon stolen, der musikalsk trækker på Finn Juhl- æraens omgang med træet, er på en gang arketypisk som stol og blæret kompleks i sin form. En kommende klassiker.
Oli the Table by KEVIN HVIID (Architect b.1978).
Oli is an interpretation of magic and illusion. It’s a table inspired by that funny guy we all know. That person who has his heart in the right place and is true to his kind. Life is too short to be too overly serious all the time. It certainly does not hurt to have a companion that can see the bright spots in life. Oli is your companion.
As a table, Oli carries your burdens, and despite his strength, he likes to appear slight. He floats, winks, flirts and changes form - without moving an inch. Oli is Tim Burton and Memphis in a new interpretation and a new garb, full of fun and illusions that stimulate and hone your senses.
The ellipse is in a strong blue color, in contrast to the tabletop. The wood of the tabletop is soft and well-crafted, rich in details, depths. The ellipse is metallic blue with a cold surface, no further depths but with a mirror reflection in the middle, which replicates the geometric shapes of the ellipse to infinity and creates complete confusion of where the table starts or ends. The two constructions have very different character and speak to your senses. The cherry on top are the fluorescent acrylic plexiglass sheets, giving a special touch of light and color and contrast to the natural laws of material composition.
Oli was presented at The Danish Cabinetmakers Autumn Exhibition 2020. This edition 2020 took place in Copenhagen’s historical Tivoli Gardens for a celebration of illusions.
Dimensions are 650mm (d) x 640mm (w) x 760mm (h). Materials: Steel, wood, acrylic
Photo by Hans Baerholm/Kevin Hviid Studio. Movies by Kevin Hviid Studio
Acknowledgment: Thinkwood(DK) + Smede Lab(DK) + Skjødt snedkeri(DK)
Tags: @Kevinhviidstudio #KevinHviid #Kevinhviidstudio
BOB Bench is inspired by the Memphis movement, where form does not have to follow function, and where design is about communication. It is a very graphical piece of furniture, which strives to communicate and attract attention to its presence.
It is constructed with rectangular and circular steel pipes painted in black and white and bold primary colors, the bench’s back rest and overhanging seat form a perfect circle. The armrests are in brass.
The bench was selected to be presented at REFORM 2016 Design Biennale (, a biannual exhibition space, which strives to assemble the strongest field within modern Danish design
Round bench with seating for two persons on both sides.
The form inspiration for the bench came from the cactus. This sturdy plant can survive in the wilderness, a harsh and lonely environment with no audience or competitors. It stands up to the taxing conditions, continuously producing new disc-shaped segments in its process of constant transformation. The plant’s famously prickly demeanour is its main appeal for its many fans!
Billy is designed to be similarly prickly, virtually jabbing at passers-by, examining them from every angle, holding their gaze and pulling them in. The flowers bursting from the monochrome cactus stem add to the plant’s intense and sculptural expression – an effect that Hviid echoed in the strange shapes protruding from the bench.
Billy is an unique piece designed for MINDCRAFT18, on display from 17 through 22 April in Milan during the design week, where the historical San Simpliciano cloister forms the setting for the exhibition. MINDCRAFT is an exhibition concept showcasing some of Denmark's most talented craftspeople and designers.
Dimensions: Materials: Rectangular steel tube, wooden slats Price upon request. (ideal for museum).
Årets Møbel
Dezeen Awards
Årets Design Favoritter
Årets Møbel
Årets Designer
Kæft, trit og retning.
Trit er en standerlampe. Trit har overblik og overskud. Selvtillid til at vælge sine egne farver og til at gå egne veje. Trit står selvsikkert, hviler i sig selv, og sikrer belysning samt blikfang til sine omgivelser.
Trit er høj og slank med et stort foroverbøjet hoved. I hovedet er to cirkelslag, hvor den ene kan drejes, kigge i forskellige retninger, og lysmængden kan tilpasses til rummet.
Kevin Hviid (born 1978), Danish born architect, graduated from the Royal Danish academy of fine arts, School of architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lives and work in Copenhagen on interdisciplinary projects through art, design and architecture. The driving force of his work is an experimenting passion for architectural design, and a playful approach towards form and a fondness for the unexpected. Through interdisciplinary projects, he uses creativity as a tool for innovation and change, questioning deep-rooted traditions, creating space for new ways of thinking and acting.
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Queen chair
Queen was designed as part A collection of chairs, which consists of 4 pieces: King, Queen, Jack and Ace.
All four chairs consist of a light rectangular steel construction, each one with its own quality and strength, but all four designed from a same architectural line and starting point. From there on, geometries, angles and heights vary for each of the chairs. These differences make them each uniquely beautiful and suitable in the home. We call them four in a row.
Queen stands with its high back and fine silhouette. The steel construction is broken up by the soft leather piece on the seat and back with adjustable straps. The design is eye-catching and dynamic. This is the sophisticated choice.
Hvorfor bruge Kevin Hviid Studio?
Et nyt køkken handler om stil og udtryk, men i høj grad også om at afdække og imødekomme jeres behov og økonomiske ramme. Og så handler det også om at nå i mål med køkkenmontører og forskellige håndværkere. Det kan ærlig talt være noget af en jungle.
Mange drømmer om et nyt køkken og har en masse gode tanker og referencer fra venner, bekendte og magasiner. Der venter dem en tur i diverse køkken butikker, alle gerne vil sælge dem præcis deres produkt og oftes mener at de har det bedste. Uagtet pris. Hvis I er i tvivl om hvor I skal starte eller hvem i skal vælge i forhold til jeres smag/økonomi og mavefornemmelse, hjælper vi gerne med smag vs. kvalitet, rådgivning om køkkenbrands, hvad I skal vælge og hvorfor, med udgangspunkt i jeres behov.
Vi designer også gerne et unikt køkken, som er 100% tilpasset jeres tanker og ønsker, vi er gode til at supplerer med funktion, erfaringen, og korrekte valg af materialer, hvor vi arbejder ud fra vores mange års erfaring og æstetiske blik for det unikke resultat.
Vi har et meget tæt samarbejde med en række dygtige snedkerier, tømrevirksomheder og smedje og vil kunne være behjælpelig med forskellige designforslag i for eksempel træ og metal. Hvis der ønskes anden specifik faglig viden, vil vi kunne være bindeledet til gode kontakter.
Projektet har bestået i en ombygning af en gammel vaskehal (knyttet til den gamle FUN læskedrik-fabrik) til kontormiljø, hovedsæde og showroom for Johan Bülow.
Ombygningen er løst med særlig fokus på at skabe tæt visuel kontakt til lakridsgryderne, samt at skabe levende rum hvor man mødes omkring lakridsen, og kan præsentere nye produkter og opskrifter, blandt andet ved de mange events, som de afholder. Samtidig ville vi bevare den gamle vaskehals udtryk, som Johan havde forelsket sig i. Vi har eksperimenteret meget med materialet strækmetal, som vi har beklædt vægge og vinduer med.
Designer: Hviid Damsbo
Producent: Johan Bülow Lakrids
Pi is a playful reference to a childhood toy: the spinning top.
In a spin of fibres, this lamp is constructed of 12 circular layers of brass, with a grid of brass sticks in between each lay. LED is recessed in each lay.
By pulling the top of the lamp, the fibres will stretch, the lamp opens, and the light source will spread, - from a more focused light source to a dispersed lightning. Through its unique construction, light source will change, and will not only focus forward through the grid, but also upwards, and emanate throughout the room. By re-pulling the top of the lamp, the fibres will contract, the lamp closes, and light will be diffused upwards from each of the layers.
Pi is inspired by the layered structured in fibre muscle cells and the high tensile strength in fibres. The designer wanted to resemble the sequence of events involved in muscle spindle when producing a stretch reflex. Brass is chosen because of its ductility and because it has a living quality about it - meaning that it changes with age and use, so the material becomes warmer as it gets older.
Description: Table light in brass. Dimension: D: 300 mm x H: 510 mm Led strip colour temperature 3200K. 24 volts DC
Hjemmet gennemgår i øjeblikket et skift fra at have haft en især erindringsbærende karakter, og være det sted, hvor vi gemmer på vores erindringer og historie, til i dag at have en langt mere nomadisk karakter.
Dette skift i hjemmet "fra rum til netværk" interesserer os og inspirerer os i vores designs. Hvilket VINKEL er et af resultaterne af.
Vinkel leger med perspektivet, og skaber en illusion af forandring. Afhængigt af hvordan man sætter kasserne sammen, kan VINKEL samles i forskellige sammensætninger, - stables, vægmonteret eller ved siden af hinanden, hvilket giver forskellige dybder, fortællinger og perspektiver i rummet
Designer: Kevin Hviid og Mikkel Damsbo
A collection of chairs consists of 4 pieces: King, Queen, Jack and Ace.
All four chairs consist of a light rectangular steel construction, each one with its own quality and strength, but all four designed from a same architectural line and starting point. From there on, geometries, angles and heights vary for each of the chairs. These differences make them each uniquely beautiful and suitable in the home. We call them four in a row.
King stands big and proud with an over-dimensioned seat-back in foam. It can best be described as the dining room chair melting together with the wingback armchair. This is a sculptural design that stands on its own.
Queen stands with its high back and fine silhouette. The steel construction is broken up by the soft leather piece on the seat and back with adjustable straps. The design is eye-catching and dynamic. This is the sophisticated choice.
Jack has a clear reference to architecture with its beautifully simple shape. The chair's back and seat is made of wood and gives the chair a classic expression - a reminiscence of a typical school chair of the 80's and 90's. Lean and modern.
Ace is a stool, which can also be used brilliantly as a side table. The design is playful and functional. The seat is in wood and the front legs are pushed together, allowing multiple sitting postures. This is the versatile, neutral and timeless choice.
Wallpaper* Dezeen Designboom AD Magazine. MiLK Decoration Vogue Living Cover. AD Decoration. Kaza Brazil. ELLE Sverige BOB Magazine WOHNREVUE RUM NYTT ROM Bo Bedre. Bolig Magasinet Motalité ARKITEKTEN ELLE Decoration Costume Living La-crémerie ARKITEKTUR, rum og tid MY-PLEASURE EUROWOMAN URBAN ARKITEKTUR DK POLITIKEN DAMn° 33
Shown are assorted art projects and more experimental projects we taken part in connecting architecture and design, as well as past gallery-exhibitions.
Her på siden er et udsnit af kunstprojekter og andre eksperimenterende projekter i spændfeltet mellem arkitektur og design, samt tidligere udstillinger på institutioner og gallerier.
(Summer Exhibition 2014)
(Spring Exhibition Charlottenborg 2015)
(Spring Exhibition Charlottenborg 2011)
(KADK 2008)
Mødet med spejlet Revoir.
Et gensyn viser sig. Et stort og stærkt korpus. Iklædt gjorde. Beklædt med et spejl, der skaber dit bedste 1:1-portræt. Revoir bliver en del af dig, og du af Revoir.
Revoir svajer lidt i benene, men holder ryg, skuldre og hovedet ranke. Revoir er et one-piece fabrikat, fabrikeret omkring en stålkonstruktion, der tegner et geometrisk mønster og udfordrer skalaen. Det stærke korpus er beklædt med gjorde, der skaber “fabric”, fletter sig ind og ud og tegner et mønster omkring korpus. Det, du giver, kommer altid tilbage. Sådan er det også med Revoir.
Imagine vacation in furniture. Sitting on your balcony with a cold drink, watching the sunset over the ocean, and taking in a moment of pure bliss. This was my ambition with my design: a Chair and a Stool, hence named Malibu.
The design is simple yet elegant, exhibiting a harmonious composition of elements. It has a light construction (only iron pipes and cushion), with round harmonious and playful shapes.To me, a refreshingly balanced mix of Nordic coolness with a touch of vibrant acidity and joyful expression of sweet fresh (cocktail) fruit.
- Take a sit and dream away!
Shown are some of the architecture competitions we have taken part in
Her på siden nogle af de arkitektkonkurrencer vi har deltaget i
- GRID PAVILION (Hviid Damsbo)
Recent projects have included assorted office building and rebuildings. We advise both small and large companies in the private and public sectors
Her på siden er et udsnit af opgaver løst indenfor byggeri og ombygning. Vi løser både opgaver indenfor privat og offentlig byggeri.
Det Farmaceutiske Fakultet
Udarbejdet i samarbejde med og under ansættelse hos Rørbæk og Møller Arkitekter
Johan Bülow Lakrids
Udarbejdet i samarbejde med Mikkel Damsbo og Halvorsen Jensen Arkitekter
- Mikkel Damsbo
- Halvorsen Jensen Arkitekter
The Flip bookshelf is both a square, a hexagon and a trapezoid form imposed on each other. A simple manipulation of the edges creates a bookshelf that can be perceived differently depending on your viewpoint, or the way you flip it. At its base, it is still a square and functional box, great for storing books, or creating a playful frame around your everyday objects.
Designer: Kevin Hviid & Mikkel Damsbo
Jack has a clear reference to architecture with its beautifully simple shape. The chair's back and seat is made of wood and gives the chair a classic expression - a reminiscence of a typical school chair of the 80's and 90's. Lean and modern.
Shown are assorted interior designs solved for shops and offices
Her på siden er et udsnit af opgaver løst indenfor interiør designs til butikker og kontorer
- IC Companys A/S
- Matinique
- Gl. Holtegaard
We are continually working on private residences at all levels of project size
Her på siden er et udsnit af private ombygninger. Vi løser både store og små opgaver indenfor privat byggeri.
- Terrasse
- Walk in closet
- Garage
- Ombygning af lade til beboelse
LEMON CRUSH. We are working on a lot of exciting projects. This is our juicy LEMON CHAIR #kevinhviidstudio #kevinhviid #lemonchair #lemonade #specialedition #ledzeepelin #danishchairs